With an attitude of gratitude, I attract greater good into my life. I am grateful for all the good in my life and aware that by being grateful, I am attracting even more good to me. Gratitude is more than just thankfulness. It is a deeper awareness that because God is present within every person and situation, ultimate good is also present. As I begin each day both in the awareness that God is all good at all times and with the assurance that I am one with God, I have the strength, patience, and faith to face any situation. My gratitude increases with each prayer of faith and each acknowledgement that wherever I am, God is. I thank God for this day and for all the good it holds in store for me and for those I hold dear. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God."--Colossians 3:16]